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Prices (including postage and handling charges) are as follows:
The Dovells
Then & Now CD
U.S.: $15 per CD
Canada and Mexico: $18 per CD
All others: $20 per CD
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Orders should be sent to:
P.O. Box 8323
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
All checks and money orders must be in U.S. funds, drawn on a U.S. bank and made payable to THE DOVELLS. There will be a $15 charge for checks or money orders returned to us by the bank, or not in U.S. funds.
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Credit Card option coming soon!
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In 1963, the Dovell's heard a tape of an English group's record released to Swan Records. The Dovells and Parkway thought the song was a natural for them and immediately recorded it, but procrastination on Parkway's part cost them a hit.
(The Swan release came out in January 1964 and went to number one. The group was the Beatles and the song was "She Loves You.") The Dovells' version was never released and to this day is sitting in a vault somewhere.
The Dovells
R&R Trivia
Card Game
$10.00 each
Rocki Lane’s real name is Elaine Gross (Married to Jerry Gross, lead singer of The Dovells).
Happy Hairy Hippy Harry Claus was sung by Elaine, written and produced by jerry. This song may become one of the selections on the new upcoming Dovells Christmass CD for Christmas 2008. If you would like more info on this song or other information about the Dovells, visit:
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- Number of R&R Trivia Card Games you are ordering
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